Customer Service
Our experience has taught us that our industry is built on lasting relationships. Our Customer Service programs for event planners and exhibitors include contact early in your event planning process and consists of pre-event discovery meetings, planning visits to your event to understand your event technology requirements, ongoing digital and phone communication through the planning, quoting operations cycle, and then on-site visits with you when you are on show site and through move-out. To reach our dedicated technical and national customer service please contact us at 888-446-6911.
Have a question about one of our products and services? Please take a look through our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional support? Contact our team members today.
Do you have incentive pricing?
Yes, Smart City offers incentive rates if you place your order before specific deadlines. To find your event’s incentive deadlines. Please contact us at 888.446.6911 or email us at
How do I find out what services are offered at the venue I'm going to?
Every facility is different, and you’ll want to do research ahead of time at our Smart City Venues listings to determine which services are available at your venue.
Does Smart City provide complimentary Wi-Fi?
YES! Smart City provides complimentary Wi-Fi in the designated public areas such as the lobbies, food courts, restaurants, and some of the conference rooms. This service is made available to approximately 30 million guests, visitors, and attendees to our convention centers throughout the country. There is no requirement to purchase a Smart City service in order to take advantage of the complimentary Wi-Fi.
Why doesn't Smart City provide complimentary Wi-Fi in the exhibit halls?
Exhibit halls are not public areas and the availability of services in these spaces is governed by the contract between the show producer and the venue. This license agreement may or may not call for free Wi-Fi services.
What kind of expertise does your team have in hybrid events?
Smart City local and corporate staff teams have provided event technology infrastructure to over 3,000 events per year for the past 35 years, where we build out networks that support streaming, event data capture, video conferencing, second screen technology, security and control systems, and related networks required for hybrid events. It is safe to say that no other company has the experience and expertise providing event technology infrastructure that Smart City does.
Can you help me determine my hybrid event technology requirements?
Yes. To gather your requirements and determine what is the best network design for your hybrid event. We will provide you with an event questionnaire to outline the kind of event experiences, and safety measures you plan on using. With this information, we will meet with your team and design the optimum network for your unique requirements.
I am an exhibitor; can you help me to determine what to order?
Yes, we can! Our Advanced Exhibitor Solutions (AES) team knows the products you need inside and out and is ready to help you bring your event together. Contact our AES team at 888.446.6911 or email us at
I am a show manager; can you help me to build my event network out?
Yes. As services vary from venue to venue; you will need to work with your dedicated on-site Smart City event team to build out the ideal network for your unique event’s needs. To find the contact information for your event team. Please reach out to the specific venue your event will be at.
I need connectivity outside of the venue to a hotel for an offsite activation; can you provide services for me?
Possibly. As services vary from venue to venue; you will need to work with the Smart City team at the venue your event is at to determine the best options for you.
I am a show manager and need information to give to my exhibitors. Do you have any material I can make available to them?
Yes, we do. To receive our Exhibitor Ordering Guide and supporting marketing collateral for your specific venue, please contact your Smart City team at 888.446.6911 or email us at
What kind of technology infrastructure does Smart City have to support my event and ensure success?
Redundancy of Bandwidth – Smart City contracts with at least two carriers with separate points of entry into the facility for bandwidth. Should one circuit fail we have automatic failover to the back-up circuit so there is no downtime to clients.
Redundancy of Equipment – Smart City always keeps spare network switches and wireless access points on-hand and connected to networks. If a piece of equipment fails, we can replace it immediately with very limited downtime to the client.
24/7 Monitoring – All ports on the Smart City network are polled every 3 to 5 minutes for connectivity and network stability. Certified network engineers are on staff in our Network Operations Center during event hours and on-call 24/7.
Staffing – We have local support and customer service teams available during event hours and on call 24/7.